Registered charity 306229
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Note that once started, an application must be completed within one week or you'll have to start again from the beginning. After this time, all data (including your email address) will be removed from our server.
Do you live independently of parents/guardians when in Dorchester and self-supporting?*
To be completed by the applicant.
I am currently in Local Authority Care
I am currently living independently having left Local Authority Care
I am currently in receipt of Income Support/Universal Credit and financially supporting myself and/or a dependent (ie child or partner)
I am in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments and Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit in my own right
I currently live independently of any family or other support
Please upload copies of any written evidence of circumstances to support your application at the end of this form.
To be completed by parent/guardian or applicant if self-supporting.
The applicant receives/received free school meals
The applicant receives/received the 16-19 bursary (or similar)
The applicant has caring responsibilities for anyone in the family
Please indicate which suggested evidence of financial circumstances you can provide and ensure that full copies of Tax Credit/Universal Credit awards, or other supporting documents are provided where possible. The more accurate picture of financial circumstances provided, the easier it will be for a decision to be reached on the award of grants.
Income Support
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Job Seekers' Allowance
Universal Credit
Pension Guarantee Credit
Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Most recent P60 or Salary Statement
This page was completed by:
Photos or screenshots are acceptable
Alternatively, you can send copies of supporting documentation to:
Address: Mrs. Christine Bussell Clerk to the Trustees Ashley, Churchill & Thorner Educational Trust West Holm 4 Warne Hill Bridport DT6 4AQ
Please send any queries to or telephone 01308 425137 (please leave a message).
Please check that all the information you have provided, as summarised on this page, is correct before proceeding.
To send your application to us, click on the Finish button below. Once you have done this you will no longer be able to return to the application, so before doing so, please ensure that everything you have entered (as summarised on the previous page) is correct.
Data Protection Statement
It is part of the Trustees responsibilities to ensure that applicants for grants are suitably qualified under the terms of the Charity’s Governing Instrument. Trustees therefore need to make appropriate investigations of each applicant. The personal data supplied on this form will be held on file and be used for the sole purpose of the Trustees of the Charity of ACTET to determine any award and will not be disclosed to any other individual or organisation.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries.